Monday, September 30, 2019

Multicultural Britain Essay

My task is to explain why people chose to immigrate to Britain, with reference to the period 1880 to the present day. Britain has been Multicultural for hundreds of years. There are the diverse cultures and languages of the people of Scotland, Wales, Ireland and England. Britain’s links with the commonwealth countries of the Caribbean, Anglophone Africa, Cyprus, Australia, New Zealand and the Indian subcontinent were established through trade and subsequent conquest and colonization. Around five per cent of Britain’s present population are from ethnic minorities. â€Å"Multicultural† can be a controversial term, associated with various ideas about racial and cultural identities, cultural, diversity and difference, and policies and practices in schools and local government authorities. Since ancient times people have been moving to Britain and settling there. These immigrants have all made a change to Britain as a whole. There are many reasons for immigration, some of which being wars, famine, draught, economic changes, lack of facilities, religious restraints, prejudice, discrimination or even as refugees. Since the seventeenth century Jews had lived in Britain and had soon become a vital part of British life, including the social, political and economic life of Britain. Throughout the nineteenth century a minority of Jews continued to migrate to Britain, with many Jews even being born there. However after the welcoming of 1880, the minority of Jews already living there (Anglo-Jewish) experienced a sudden flood of Jews into Britain. In 1881 the Russian Jews were held responsible for the assassination of Tsar Alexander II. Many Jews now became certain that it was time to leave and start a new life in a Western country. Many moved to Britain knowingly there was already a secure successful community of Jews there. The Jewish immigrants were condemned by some English Jews whilst others welcomed them with open arms. On the other hand the English people blamed the Jews for the overcrowding in Britain and also for making it difficult to look for jobs and work. The Jews settled in the large cities of London, Leeds and Manchester. These cities had a large population of Jews who were hoped to be supported by the Russian Jews, there was also a great opportunity of work here. However the Jews had to live in the poorer, overcrowding areas of these cities. Despite the overcrowding and poor living conditions, the house rent was high due to the shortage of housing. The rent along with lack of jobs and living conditions were all causes of racism and injustice against the Jews. However most Jews lived in the poorer areas, as this was all they could afford. Some wealthy Jews took action and built blocks of flats. Due to the immigration of the Jews, before 1881 British inhabitants expanded at a rate of 4% per year, after 1881 the population increased 10% every year. However the Jews that had come all settled in the East end, thus making this area concentrated with the number of Jews. This worried some of the Anglo-Jewish community for many reasons. It made the Jews very visible; the Jewish people already living in England were disturbed regarding the influence that so many Jews would have on the good interaction built up by the Jews already living in England with the English people. The Jews were already very different in their traditions, etiquettes and political affairs than that of the British Jews. Soon the Jews became news. The type of work the Jews chose to do – in tailoring and footwear – they chose to do it with Jews who could speak Yiddish (a Jewish language), and who understood their religious needs. The work they chose relied on their existing skills or involved skills that could be learned quickly and had a number of simple recurring procedures. All the work could be done in small grounds, such as houses, cellars e.t.c. The work was done by a small number of people. The situation in such work areas was objectionable. Work hours could also be varied according to the religious calendar. The Jews entered England at a time of rising redundancy and therefore were held responsible by the legislator of challenging with the English taking into account the few jobs which were obtainable. The idea of the immigrant Jews and sweating (the practice of overworking and underpaying workers in cramped, ill-lit and unhealthy conditions), became associated in the minds of many English people. The people of England had many views of the Jews. A negative impression of the Jewish immigrants is that they caused overcrowding, working in unhygienic conditions and breathing an atmosphere of wool particles containing dangerous dyes. The flush was also so outlandish to the laypeople that they had not yet learnt how to pull the chain so as to wash out and clear the toilet. However a positive impression is gained by other inhabitants that they soon became successful and praised them of their intelligence. Most British people commiserated with the Jews but because of the numbers and celebrity of Russian Jewish immigrants, the attitude of people to the Jewish immigrants began to revolutionize. The ‘alien question’, soon became the subject in the British politics. The ‘Alien question’ was of three parts being that some individuals sensed that a law was essential to determine who could colonize in Britain, The aliens became a factor to the sweating matter, and some also reasoned that it was the aliens who pushed up the rents of houses. Soon later a pressure group, the British Brothers’ league was structured, which was to confine alien immigrants. With all these pressures the Conservative Government allotted a Royal Commission on Alien immigration. A new law was soon primed on the Royal Commission’s work. The Bill of 1904 would eliminate as undesirable, ‘persons of extremely bad character, or without perceptible means of support or likely to become a public charge. However the shipping companies who transported the immigrants also promoted the Government to gain their support and the liberals also strongly opposed this bill being passed. Due to such opposition the bill was withdrawn. However the Conservatives that the new law would promote voters especially at a time when the next general election was in a years time, so the Aliens Bill was put back into the Parliament in 1905, and this time the Liberals also never stood in its way as they knew a new law be popular. On 10 August 1905 the bill became law, however if ‘the immigrant is seeking admission to avoid prosecution or punishment on religious or political grounds, permission to enter shall not be refused on the ground that he does not have enough money or will be a burden on others.’ An extract from the Aliens Act (1905) The conservatives lost the election in 1906, and so the Liberal Home Secretaries operated the law. To start with many immigrants were sent back as they failed to state things which would grant them entry, therefore the number of Jews coming to Britain fell until 1909. However after 1909 the figure of immigrants returned back to the normal figure of 5000 a year. Many Jews welcomed the act or refused to condemn it. The Jews who had just immigrated t6o the East End of London reacted in much the same way as they feared overcrowding and competition of work. The Anglo-Jewish community had stated that the Jews settling in one place would bring attention to their dress, language and manner. They also warned that in fifteen years time the progeny of today’s refugees would be the great bulk of England’s population, and therefore bring shame to the community. To deal with this prospect the education of the children of the Immigrated Jews was encouraged. The leaders of the Jewish community were very anxious and supportive in the fist world war. In the last ten years of the nineteenth century a new movement was put into action called Zionism, this was in favour to gain a Jewish homeland. The favoured place for this was in the ancestral Jewish home, Palestine. However the Anglo-Jewish community opposed the idea of a homeland as they never wanted all their relationships with the British to be gone down the drain. They wanted to be seen as a community loyal to the British and religious not as a people without a homeland. In 1917 the British army invaded Palestine which was then under Turkish rule. The British government issued a statement that broadly supported the creation of a homeland. At t6he same time the British issued another statement which promised the Arabs inde3pendence from the Turks. This was to win the support of the Jews in America and to involve America in the war. Empty promises were also made to the Arabs to involve them in the war too on Britain’s side. From 1914, the anti-German hysteria that swept the country did not distinguish between Jew and German. Criticism to the Jewish immigrants centred on how many of the new immigrants joined up to fight. The Anglo-Jewish wanted to fight for their new country. Press reports of Russian Jews moving from London to the countryside to avoid the Zeppelin raids added to prejudice towards the Jews. The Balfour Declaration brought attention to Zionism in Britain which made people believe that the Jews were ungrateful to their adapted country – Britain. The Russian Revolution also helped form the views of the British against the Jewish immigrants and were portrayed by the newspaper as communists. The Aliens Restrictions Act was passed in 1914 which as a result had a huge influence on Jewish immigrants. Zionism was too now weakened whilst prejudice against the Jews increased. Using the powers of 1919 almost all the poor working-class immigrants went to decline. In the 1920s many Jews had now gained a higher position within the British society and were a more prosperous community. Due to this prosperity the Jews now started to move out of the East end of London. As Britain saw the beginning of the Depression years one Labour Politician was Sir Oswald Mosley. He resigned from Labour in 1930 as many of his ideas of how to solve the problem of unemployment were rejected. He set up his own new party in 1931 known as the New Party. Mosley, in 1932 created the British Union Fascists (BUF). Mosley saw the socialists and the communists as a danger. Mosley also enjoyed support from the ‘Daily Mirror’ owner, Lord Rothermere, through which he made sure that it reported favourably of the BUF. In the beginning the BUF were not anti-Semitic, but later in 1934 the BUF policy changed and now Jewish people were no longer allowed to be members of the BUF. Throughout the year 1934 Jewish people were attacked and provoked. The Jews were all advised not to do anything against the law thus not to be seen as lawbreakers. On 4 October 1936 the BUF planned a march through the East End of London and planned to listen to Mosley speak at intervals. Jewish Trade Unionists and communists arranged a blockade to the march with barricades. As a result the BUF had to abandon the march from the Tower of London to Victoria Park in Hackney. Immediately after the event of Cable Street, support for the BUF grew. However in the long term the BUF were in decline. Mosley’s attempts to try and stir up violence towards the Jews were much criticised. The Government tried to stop this by passing the Incitement to Disaffection Act in November 1934 and a new public Order Act in 1936 which affected the holding of marches. However the BUF did not win any local or general election seats and as a result Mosley was imprisoned from 1940 to 1943. The event of Cable Street showed that there were divisions among the Jews themselves as thousands of working-class Jews rejected the calls of their leaders to stay off the streets. This event also proved that extreme parties were also a threat to law and order, and as a result was acted quickly to in order to stop their influence. In 1945 when the Second World War ended, Europe had changed. Millions of people had lost their homes etc. Towns and cities were devastated. Countries in Eastern Europe were taken over by the communist government with very different ideas about equality and freedom to those governments in the West. Many people in Eastern Europe did not want to live under a communist government. As a result of these wars millions of people became refugees. Many people were already in Britain when the war ended. After Hitler invaded Poland many Poles left Poland and many came to Britain, and some came to Britain only to fight against Germany. When Poland became communist in 1945, many of the Poles decided to stay in Britain. Some of the refugees from Europe came to Britain in search of a new life and were welcomed by the British as Britain needed to be re-built after the devastation of the war. Large numbers of workers were needed especially in mining, engineering, agriculture, transport and building. This was due to many British men and women being killed, injured etc. During the war many women were encouraged to work but after were encouraged to stay at home. This meant that more workers were needed to replace them. Britain was made worse by many British people moving to the Old Common Wealth countries. During the Second World War the British Empire was very important in the war, as these people had raw materials, people industries etc. After the Second World War, these people from British colonies were encouraged to come to settle in Britain. This was because Britain’s post war labour shortage could not be solved by refugees alone. British companies advertised in the New Commonwealth Countries for workers. All citizens of the British colonies were given the right to settle in Britain. Almost one quarter of the world’s population was allowed to settle in Britain due to its great empire. In 1948 the British Nationality Act was passed which gave citizens of the British colonies and of the commonwealth equal rights of citizenship in Britain as those people who had been born and bread in Britain. After the second World War many Caribbean’s emigrated to Britain. This was partly because they had fought for this country and others were just curious to see the land they had fought for. At first immigration from the Caribbean to Britain was slow but soon after a hurricane in Jamaica in 1951 immigration increased. Another cause of the rise in immigration was that the USA had set strict rules on immigration from the Caribbean and so people who wanted to migrate had to look for other options of where to migrate to. Many people who lived in cities were well paid and did not want to do jobs like cleaning etc and so immigrants from the colonies were encouraged to do this type of work. Many West Indians were welcomed as nurses and the Caribbean’s settled in Britain and so the later arrivals were mainly wives, children and parents of those people who had settled in Britain. Britain was portrayed to these people who migrated to Britain as being the ‘mother-country,’ kind, caring and powerful. Upon migrating, many of these people were surprised to see the amount of filth and dirt in Britain. Britain was not as wealthy as they had expected. However people who had come to Britain to fight in the Second World War were welcomed warm heartedly, but on the other hand when these people returned to Britain due to labour shortages, the treatment they received was completely contradictory to what they had received at the Second World War. When Queen Victoria came to throne, Britain had the smallest empire with the least territory. Queen Victoria’s death however, left behind a greater territory approximately ruling 500 million people. British ideas were of being superior to any other race, thus inferior. Britain used ‘adverts’ to target many people and to spread its ideas of unity and loyalty to the people of Britain. Between 1945 and 1968, important changes were made to who had the right of citizenship in Britain. The rights of citizenship had been restricted by 1968. The changes happened partly because of racist attitudes and partly due to changing economic changes. Since the Second World War the pattern of migration into and out of Britain has changed. This has been due to changes in the law, wars, abuses of human rights, poverty, famine, and the formation of the European Union. Since 1990 the rights of refugees and asylum seekers in Britain have also changed and become a controversial political issue. There was less immigration after the Second World War of the British citizenships had been born in the colonies of commonwealth. The British Nationality Act and the immigration Laws made it difficult to enter Britain. However immigration from the European Union was allowed however immigration from poor undeveloped countries such as the Caribbean were not allowed to set work permits in Britain. Overtime people had come to Britain as refugees and also left in search of refuge such as the Jews. Nevertheless, people have migrated to Britain due top wars in their own countries leaving millions of people homeless, in search of jobs, famine in their homelands, in search of a better life, education, medication, for marriage purposes, persecution in their country and some have also come to Britain as refugees and even as asylum seekers. In conclusion, the reasons for the entry of millions of people into Britain during the years from 1880 to the recent day are extremely complicated, revolving around a complex of economic, political. Short term, underlying and personal push and pull factors. The immigration of any individual minority includes a set of factors peculiar to itself. In some cases, such as the mid-nineteenth century, Irish push factors played an overwhelming role, as the famine literally forced the people off the land. However the geographical proximity of Britain and the open door policy towards immigration played a fundamental role in attracting the Irish. â€Å"The potato crop failed completely and one million Irish died of disease starvation. As a result about 200,000 people emigrated, about half of them to Britain.† Between 1870 and 1914 over 200,000 Jewish people arrived in Britain. Most of these Jews lived in East London where living conditions were bad. It was easy for them to fin d work (for untrained people e.g. clothing and furniture) but were low paid and worked long hours. Yet many Jews visited the synagogue and were free to practice their religion. The entry of immigrants to Britain did not happen steadily but in waves. Some periods had more immigrants flooding into Britain than others. The media have recognised that Britain has become a multi society and presents some positive images of Blacks and Asians. People of Asian origin have become the most successful businessmen in Britain. In short, there have been both continuities and new developments in the history of immigrant minorities in Britain before and after 1945. Because of the more complete documentation after 1945, we can form a fuller picture of the contemporary situation. However, we can make the following assertions for the whole course of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. First, Britain has witnessed for a complex of reasons, the constant entry of a wide variety of immigrants, who have played an important role in the development of the economy. Second, these groups have varied in size, social composition, and gender make-up, but they are part of British capitalist class society, not distinct from it. Finally, ethnicity has developed to a great extent, especially amongst larger minorities. However, as a different view, in conclusion, I also say that social scientists have found it very difficult to explain one of the most popular methods of explanation is to use a ‘push – pull’ model which distinguishes between the ‘push’ of economic necessity in the migrants home society and the ‘pull’ of opportunity from abroad. The difficulty with this approach is that it obscures the inherent complexity of population movements and, as some critics have pointed out, it often treats the subjects as if they were automatons reacting to forces beyond their control. Ceri Peach, in his study of West Indian migration to Britain (1968), warns against relying too much on ‘push’ determinism. The movements he describes did not take place during periods of economic depression in the Caribbean and they were not correlated to high rates of population growth. Peach concludes that there is ‘strong evidence for the view that (West Indian) migration was reacting not to internal conditions, but to a sing external stimulus’ – namely the demand for labour in Britain (1968:93). This conclusion might be satisfactory if one wishes to leave the analysis of the highest levels of abstraction, but the migrants themselves rarely accept generalisations of this nature. Furthermore, other Historians have clearly demonstrated that it is impossible to categorise all of the relevant factors as either ‘push’ or ‘pull’.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Womens Life

WOMEN’S LIFE WORLD CIVIALIZATIONS HIS 103 OCTOBER 9,2012 The life of a women has changed in way of improvement. Back in the days women couldn’t really do much but stay home and take care of the kids. In the 1800 Elizabethan era times most people's rights were fairly limited. There was no democracy, and most people had very little say in national politics, though on the parochial level, men and women could be elected to parish councils. What you did with your life was as much influenced by your social class, degree of wealth, etc, as it was by your gender.For instance, few children get a chance of more than a very basic education,and most boys and girls would go to work at an early age. it was taken for granted that people defered to those of a higher social class, and the young were expected to defer to the old. For women specifically, there were married women's property acts which were passed in the 1860s and 1880s. The divroce laws were changed so that a woman could o btain a divorce from an adulterous or abusive spouse, and the Infant Custody Act gave women who were innocent parties in divorce the right to have custody of young children.In Elizabethan times, the role of the midwife in society was an important one, since childbirth was regarded as an exclusively female affair. The midwife had to be a woman of good character, and was licenced by the local bishop, since she was authorised to baptise newborn babies who she thought were unlikely to live long enough to have a proper baptissm. However, in the 18th century, the rise of the male obstetrician meant that the midwife became a marginal figure in the childbirthing process,instead of being at the centre of it.In elizabethan times,when most people lived in the country and were at least partially self-sufficient, being a housewife was a demanding role that involved many specialist skills. A housewife had to be able to brew and bake, spin and weave, preserve food, make home remedies for illness, make other household items like soap and candles, many women even made their own cosmetics and perfume. And they would be in charge of the poultry and the dairy, make their own butter and cheese, and sell their urplus produce at market. Women in the Victorian era . A wife's proper role was to love, honour and obey her husband, as her marriage vows stated. A wife's place in the family hierarchy was secondary to her husband, but far from being considered unimportant, a wife's duties to tend to her husband and properly raise her children were considered crucial cornerstones of social stability by the Victorians. Women seen as falling short of society's expectations were believed to be deserving of harsh criticism.In divorce great changes in the situation of women took place in the 19th century, especially concerning marriage laws and the legal rights of women to divorce and/or gain custody of children. The situation that fathers always received custody of their children, leaving the mo ther without any rights, slowly started to change. husband only had to prove his wife's adultery, a woman had to prove her husband had not only committed adultery but also incest, bigamy, cruelty or desertion. Women could secure a separation on the grounds of cruelty and claim custody of their children.Magistrates even authorised protection orders to wives whose husbands have been convicted of aggravated assault. Victorian morality and sexuality Women were expected to have sex with only one man, their husband. However, it was acceptable for men to have multiple partners in their life. If women did have sexual contact with another man, they were seen as ruined or fallen. In education women were not freely offered the opportunity to study subjects of an extended, classical, and commercial nature. This made it difficult for a woman to break free from the societal constraints to achieve independent economical status.Education was specialised by gender. Women were provided with the oppor tunity to study refined subjects such as history, geography and general literature which would provide them with interesting but noncontroversial topics for discussion. Despite the restrictions and stigmatisation, some women did excel in â€Å"male† subjects such as law, physics, engineering, science and art. These women pioneered the path for the much improved gender equality in modern education in the UK. Women were rarely given the opportunity to attend university. It was even said that studying was against their nature and could make them ill.They were to stay more or less an â€Å"ornament of society. An Egyptian woman could acquire possessions in many ways. She could receive it as gifts or as an inheritance from her parents or husband. Or she could receive it from purchases with goods which she earned either through employment, or which she borrowed. A woman had claims to up to one-third of all the community property in her marriage. For example, the property which acc rued to her husband and her only after they were married. When a woman brought her own private property to a marriage, ( dowry), it remained hers, even though the husband often had the free use of it.In the event of a divorce her property had to be returned to her, in addition to any divorce settlement that might be stipulated in the original marriage contract. A woman was free to bequeath property from her husband to her children or even to her own brothers and sisters (unless there was some stipulation against such in her husband's will). A woman could also freely disinherit children of her private property, i. e. , the property she brought to her marriage or her share of the community property. She could selectively bequeath that property to certain children and not to others.Marrige was a very important part of ancient Egyptian society. Some people say it was almost a duty to get married. Compared to today's world, Egyptian marriages were very different; husbands could marry mor e than one wife, and people of close relations (first cousins, brothers and sisters, ect. ) could also wed one another. As you read you can see that women’s life has changed to better a women’s life. The women now have lots of rights and are very successful in many ways. Reference , Ph. D / Role Of Women In Ancient Egypt The Natural women’s museum

Saturday, September 28, 2019

An Analysis Of Liberal Democracy In Russia Politics Essay

An Analysis Of Liberal Democracy In Russia Politics Essay Russia is one of the important countries and the largest country in the world, which established worldwide power and influence in the international politics. The arguable question, in which interested a lot of knowledgeable people, is what the regime has the Russian Federation after the death of Communism and how it works. The majority of Western Europe and USA has very critical opinion about Russian politics and definitely argue that Russia has not liberal democracy. They also believe that it is unlikely to thrive in post-Communist Russia. In my essay I will debate if liberal democracy could thrive or not in Russian Federation, giving the arguments and facts of both sides. Firstly I will argue that liberal democracy cannot thrive in Russia because of many arguments. The first is the high level of corruption. The second is the siloviki and oligarchs, who have enormous political power. The third is absence of media freedom. The fourth is lack of civil society. The fifth is Constituti on, which give a lot of power to the president and no strong opposition. It means that Russia has a one-party system. However, there is some soil for liberal democracy. The first argument is democratic experience. The second argument is a right to create political parties. The third is a right to practise citizens’ culture and religious. The fourth is a freedom of speech, belief and discussion. I argue that liberal democracy could thrive in Russia, only if the barriers to liberal democracy will pass, such as corruption, siloviki, absence of media freedom. I will argue that to make more suitable soil for liberal democracy Russia should change a Constitution, to create a strong opposition, and emphasis for reforms, which protect individual rights, increase civil liberties, improve the well-being of citizens; develop society to pursue their interests and develop own talents. But, when these criteria would not be achieved, liberal democracy is unlikely to thrive in post-communist Russia. Criteria of liberal democracy Firstly, I would like to define democracy and describe the criteria of liberal democracy, looking which of them Russia has. According to McFaul, democracy is the institutional arrangement where the individuals have the power to make political decisions by means of competitive struggle. According to this minimal definition and implicit in ‘analysis of the rule of law, civil society and the party system in Russia is an ideal type of liberal democracy rather than a minimal standard of electoral democracy’ (McFaul, 2004: 2-3). However, liberal democracy has the criteria, by which we could judge Russian regime. The first is the control of the state by elected civilian officials; the military is subordinate to the government. The second is a right to form a party and contest the elections by any group, which adheres to constitutional principles. Thirdly, a right for different ethnic, religious or different minority groups should exist fo r practicing their culture or express their interests in the political process. Fourthly, the freedom of belief, opinions, discussion and speech should exist. The last is that the citizens are equal under the law.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Implementation of International Legal Standards in The Investment Assignment

Implementation of International Legal Standards in The Investment Legislation of Uzbekistan - Assignment Example Uzbekistan has freedom and independence in development of industry in line with national goals. In addition, there is also an opportunity for Uzbekistan becomes the main investment location preferred by both regional and foreign investors. There is also an opportunity for Uzbekistan to become a base for production in the regional market. Its central location provides a large market especially the home market. The country has freedom in the utilization of new resources as a result of the development of new export markets and advanced technological progress. Law for in foreign investment Uzbekistan allows investors (foreign) to engage in wide range business opportunities that are not legislatively prohibited. Foreign investors investment in Uzbekistan through legal means that include branch establishment, real property acquisition and buying of shares. There are no legal preconditions stipulating nationals to have interests of ownership in foreign investments except in banking sector. The government encourages joint ventures of local partners and foreign investors. Foreign investors have to register with Justice Ministry to get legal rights as persons. These imply that foreign investment laws in Uzbek have opened the door to all forms of business investors in the available business opportunities. Entry requirements for foreign investors are therefore straight with minimal performance requirements. In Uzbekistan, the right for investors to exit and repatriation of funds are guaranteed. However, in practice, entry requirements for investors especially individual investors are controlled by the government. The investors will have to negotiate with Uzbek government on key issues that relate to joint agreements of a joint venture, acquisition of government-controlled assets, application for tax incentives and raw material importation rights.  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Stadiums are bad for economy of a city and tax payers pay the cost (4 Research Paper

Stadiums are bad for economy of a city and tax payers pay the cost (4 real life examples, TABLES AND CHARTS) Cost enefit analysi - Research Paper Example However, the income generated in the stadiums does not directly benefit the taxpayers and the residents of the city. The amount that the fans spend when watching a match does not benefit those who work in the stadiums. The amount does not lead to increased growth of the local economy because the amount is not included in the local economy. The employees, who work in the stadiums and other sources of the stadiums like the taxpayers, do not benefit from the money earned. Instead, the biggest share of the amount pays the players. However, most of these players in many cases do not belong to the local community. Therefore, the local community, which pays tax to help in construction of the stadiums, does not benefit too. Though the stadiums collect large amounts of money, the money is spent in other locations (Barros et al. 42). Taxpayers who contribute towards the construction of the stadiums do not attend the events that take place in the stadiums yet they pay for the events indirectly through tax. Stadiums fail to improve and develop the local economy because it concentrates more on the intensity of labour. In this case, low levels of unskilled type of labour activities take place within the metropolitan area. The people who benefit from this type of unskilled labour do not get high wages or salaries. This leads to a fall in the share of the income of the region because those who are highly skilled do not get a chance to get a job in the stadiums. The jobs that the local community gets are either temporary types of jobs or part time jobs, which are not effective to improve the economy of the local region that has the stadium facility. Construction of a stadium assists a team from the community. However, the players who play for the city do not live in the city. The assumption made by the metropolitan is that even if the players do not contribute much in building of the stadium, maybe they spend their money doing shopping and paying house taxes (Andreff and Szyman ski 56). However, most players have houses far away from the cities in where they live with their families, do shopping, and spend their leisure time. The space used to construct the stadium is large enough hinder expansion and development of a city. Those people whose land is taken to cater for the area of construction of the stadium get angry and leave the city (Morris 67). However, the people who leave the city may be good businesspeople who can invest and create job opportunities for the local community and by doing so; the economy of the city can grow to a higher level. Some of those people could be good investors, and this hinders them from investing in construction of commercial buildings, which would bring more income to the city through tax and to the dwellers of the city. When a city lacks potential investor to invest in the transportation sector and other smart type of investments, which lead to economic growth, the economy is likely to go downwards. Therefore, constructi on of the stadium does not support a city’s expansion and development. The cost of operating the stadium is very high. However, this amount used in maintenance and operations in the stadium

In an attachment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

In an attachment - Essay Example The conceptual framework is criticised for not fulfilling its functional objectives, principally that of providing a basis for guiding standard-setting and resolving accounting controversies. Notably, the body has failed to achieve its goals of standardizing the financial statements due to its inherent focus on reporting rather in the quality of statements. Critics have suggested a convergence of the FASB and the IASB as the best approach to eliminate the weaknesses of the conceptual framework and inject efficiency in international accounting. The focus of this essay is to identify the weaknesses of this framework and recommend possible strategies to eliminate them. Before the establishment of the IFRS, various bodies that regulated standards were localized to their nations and states. Such bodies include the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). The IASB originated from the International Accounting Standards Committee that regulated business accounting the USA. Later, IASB became the mother of the IFRS. On the other hand, the Financial Accounting Standards Board is a private non-profit organization and is responsible for developing generally acceptable accounting principles within USA for public organizations. Both organizations have closely related missions and goals. At the end of the day, they are expected to establish standards that regulate investors in the business market, so as to make the business operations transparent and comparable. The IASB, in its nature, is a principle based accounting system that confides in principles rather that any set of fixed rules (Gebhardt & D ean, 2008). This is among the reasons why the board has attracted more attention and found as the most appropriate system of international accounting. However, the system seems to suffer from a number of weaknesses that have

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Shark Finning Industry Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Shark Finning Industry - Research Paper Example The paper states that the finning industry is based on the following practice: ‘the fin of each shark is chopped off and the rest is discharged’ (Verclar et al. 1078). Then, the fin is likely to be used for soup, after being diverted to the market, in its natural form or using an appropriate package. The consumption of fin of sharks is quite common in many countries worldwide. However, this ‘custom’ threatens the population of sharks internationally. In accordance with recent research, the finning industry worldwide is a continuously growing industry, with the value of the fin to reach the $116/ kg (Verclar et al. 1078). India is among the countries with the highest performance in this industry; in accordance with Verclar et al. the annual shark production of India reaches the 45,500 tonnes (Verclar et al. 1078), a significant figure if taking into consideration the price of the particular product in the market, as presented above. It is clear that the profi ts of the particular industry can be significant, a fact which may be considered as a barrier to the control of the phenomenon. As noted in the study of Verclar et al., about 20 species of sharks will be extinguished by 2017 if the shark finning industry continues its current rate of expansion (Verclar et al. 1078). However, the current signs regarding the development of this industry are rather discouraging; instead of being reduced, the finning industry is further expanded with other countries to be involved in such activities. An indicative example is China, which has started to activate in many areas of the specific industry – acting as ‘producer, importer, consumer, and processing center’ (Verclar et al. 1079); other countries also have been attracted by the prospects that the particular industry offers. Indonesia, Pakistan, and Singapore (Verclar et al. 1079) are some of the countries, which have been involved in various areas of the shark finning industry. Â  The shark finning industry offers many prospects as a business activity, as it combines the trade of fin, as a product of significant value, with the trade of other parts of the shark – meaning the body and the bones (Verclar et al. 1080). At this point, it should be noted that ‘not all fins of a shark are of the same value’ (Verclar et al. 1080). In any case, since all parts of the body of a shark can be disposed to the market, the fishing of sharks is quite popular, guaranteeing high profits. Efforts have been made for setting limits to the particular activity since a threat of the extinction of many species of shark has been made clear. Under this threat, the Government of India prohibited the fishing of a particular species of shark, the Elasmobranchii, in 2001 (Verclar et al. 1080); the Gazette Notification through which this prohibition was imposed has been proved particularly valuable for the protection of the above species. Another practice used for t he control of shark finning industry worldwide is the DNA checks; through these checks, the level of limitation of each shark species can be identified – by checking various parts of the bodies of sharks disposed to market (Verclar et al. 1080). The above method has the following disadvantage: not all parts of the body of a shark can prove valid information on the species of the shark; however, new DNA checks have been improved allowing the identification of sharks’ DNA even from dried fins (Verclar et al. 1080). Particular attention should be paid to the effects of shark finning industry for the marine ecosystems. In accordance with Taylor (2010), sharks are predators, which helps to keep balance in prey worldwide (Taylor, online article).

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Gallery review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Gallery review - Essay Example The painting is done oil on canvas. The size of the painting is 18 3/8 inches x 21 Â ¾ inches. The overall work is proportionally correct even though the second lady who is sitting is disproportionate in structure. One cannot find out whether she is sitting on a bed sheet or if she has a comforter on her lap. The two ladies are the focal point in the portrait. The work is balanced as the painter as used dark and light colors both. However, It is noticed that the lady who is wearing the black dress has the dark background whereas the second lady is also wearing a dark dress but the background color is light which makes one wonder whether the colors schemes should be less vibrant in order to have a balanced portrait. The color schemes are vibrant. It is a very colorful image. The artist has used warm colors and tried using contrasting colors that make the characters of the painting stand out in the portrait (Gardini). One of the formal characteristics identified in the painting is that the artist has not emphasized on the hair of the two women. One can only tell that the characters are women while looking at the shape of the dresses. Moreover, the expressions of both the women are not intense. While looking at the portrait, it would be difficult to estimate the mood of the women, which should be an essential part of the painting. However, the vibrant colors are the main attraction of the portrait. The main function of the piece is to represent women in vibrant and colorful colors. It shows two women who may be enjoying a leisure time with each other in a garden or a place where there is beauty and they are thinking or talking to each other

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Culture, Technology, and Expansion Assignment Essay

Culture, Technology, and Expansion Assignment - Essay Example Structures and cultural elements such as, human creations have offered social relations organization tools, relations among social systems, and a connection of environment with the social systems. The science creating a reflection of the world expansion in terms of new technologies, information and dependence, has integrated the global socio-cultural systems through civilization (Fernandez-Armesto, 2001, p. 22). Technological benefits have initiated the worldwide expansion. Over historical models, technology has successfully served societal needs tremendously. The modern society in terms of durable institutions is as a result of technology. Technology has internationalized science in which students can easily access information to get the required skills in various educational fields. Widely accessed education decreases the gap within social classes. Economic development is stipulated through new technologies. Population enriched through education initiates growth within a nation. T hrough out history, technological dynamisms have improved economic set ups of many countries. For instance, industrialization has boosted the economy of many western countries (Targowski, 2008, p. 34). In worldwide expansion, the technological progress is cost oriented. In order to attain industrialization in a given country, i.e. shifting from traditional modes of production to the current ones, hiring of machinery and skilled labor is required. Such machinery and skilled labor are expensively acquired. Modern technology requires intensive training. Cost incurred and time for training workers makes global businesses decrease their production. New modes of technology are implemented in the global education system which makes education expensive to acquire (Fernandez-Armesto, 2001, p. 29). Current expansion is affected either positively or negatively by the technology. Positively, technology ensures effectiveness and efficiency in

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Team role Essay Example for Free

Team role Essay Good teamwork is essential to creating a successful practice. This is because good teamwork creates synergy – where the combined effect of the team is greater than the sum of individual efforts. According Meredith Belbin, who is a British researcher and management theorist best known for his work on management teams, there were nine team roles and he categorized them into three groups: Action Oriented, People Oriented, and Thought Oriented. Each team role is associated with typical behavioral and interpersonal strengths and it brings its own perspective on what action shoud be taken. Belbin also defined characteristic weaknesses that tend to accompany each team role. Action Oriented Roles include shaper (SH), implementer (IMP) and completer-finisher (CF). For instance, a shaper is people who challenge the team to improve, while a implementer is people who get things done and a completer-finisher is people who see that projects are completed thoroughly. On the other hand, People Oriented Roles admit coordinator (CO), team worker (TW) and resource investigator (RI). For exemple, a coordinator is the one who take on the traditional team-leader role and have also been referred to as the chairmen, while a TW is the people who provide support and make sure that people within the team are working together effectively and a RI is innovative and curious. And Thought Oriented Roles let in plant (PL), monitor-evaluator (ME) and specialist (SP). The plant is the creative innovator who comes up with new ideas and approaches, while a monitor-evaluators is best at analyzing and evaluating ideas that other people (often Plants) come up with and a specialist is people who have specialized knowledge that is needed to get the job done. Diversity of roles is an essential element of successful teamwork because everyone has a clear understanding of aims and objectives and there is a good balance of skills, abilities and aspirations, team members have a clear understanding of each individual’s role in achieving overall team objectives.

Friday, September 20, 2019

PEST Analysis: Brompton Bicycle

PEST Analysis: Brompton Bicycle Brompton Bicycle is a uk manufacturer bicycle based in Brentford, London by Andrew Ritchie in 1976. Models are named using a code to describe the handle bar type, number of gears and factory attached fixtures. An optional suffix is appended to show the inclusion of titanium upgrades. In Britain the clubs membership is changing, now 35-40% customers of Brompton are women. The average riders age has also dropped below 40. Its getting profit in uk . Brompton Bicycle is a British company that specialises in folding bicycles, commonly known as Brompton which is popular among bicycle commuters, especially in the UK, the Netherlands, and Japan. The Brompton design has remained fundamentally unchanged over three decades, although it has been steadily refined. The Brompton increases peoples independence and freedom so people can use this cycle wherever they can use. Approximately 22,000 bicycles are produced by the company each year and 70 percent are exported to asia and Europe. The compact dimensions of most folding bikes allow easy transport in public transport where travelling with a normal bike can be difficult or forbidden. We can this cycle in different style handlebar like c type handlebar, m type handlebar, s type handlebar and p type handlebar. - PEST ANALYSIS OF BROMPTON BICYCLE: Political factor: Many people are cycling on London major roads and it has nearly doubled since 2000 and TfL is targeting a 5% mode share for cycling by 2025. South West Trains is a part of Stagecoach Group, has joined forces with Brompton Bicycle to encourage passengers for cycle as part of a fully integrated low carbon journey combining bike and train. Every one like this bikes because it is efficient to ride but can be quickly folded into a package smaller than an average suitcase, so people can take wherever they like. Economic factor: Though exports account for around 75 per cent of its output, it continues to manufacture all of its bikes in the UK. Its getting profit here. Social factor: Brompton bike got a award, Mr Ritchie, who was awarded the prize that recognizes a lifetime contribution to design, he has spent 21 years perfecting to the Brompton, which is manufactured in Britain and sells around the world. At a reception in Buckingham Palace 50 years of British design genius was celebrating. Technological factor: When transporting a Brompton Bicycle by Train, Car plane or boat it would be beneficial to have a protective case. There is a need for such a protective case to also double as a fully functional bike trailer so it will attach to the rear of the bike and be used to transport light to moderate loads. - SWOT ANALYSIS OF BROMPTON BICYCLE: strength: Brompton bicycle is travel free and without booking restrictions we can use on rail, bus, underground, ferry or air services. Its that freedom to travel anywhere that gives folding bikes a magic quality. A folding bike can be new ways of travelling. Its have many colour with extra tall frame to fit tall riders. From 1976, Brompton was in business, but growth was infuriatingly slow. Today, Brompton Bicycle Ltd turns out 100 precision-crafted bikes a day from its cosy in Kew. Brompton bicycle sold in 27 international markets and servicing needs of the 200,000 Brompton users who are already on the road. They make something fashionable. People like the Brompton because its fun and it fits into their lives. In London, the bike is moving from being an issue of personal choice. On the corporate side, Brompton already leases a fleet of bikes to South West Trains at Waterloo. Mr Butler-Adams planned to provide package deals including bikes, training, storage and insurance to other companies.Brompton Bicycle is going to produce 25,000 bikes this year, achieving sales of  £7m-  £8m. Ritchie expects it to grow 25% a year under the leadership of managing director Butler-Adams. Brompton bicycle exports to markets to Netherlands, America, Germany, Japan and Scandinavia account for about 60% of its sales. weakness : Brompton bicycles seat pillars in both steel and aluminium versions. standard seat pillar, the Brompton and Brooks saddles can be up to 995mm from the ground. If customers inside leg is more than 33/84cm,he will almost need either of the longer seat pillars. So for the shorter people it can be difficult for ride. Its not adjustable as other bigger cycle. The merits and drawbacks of small and large wheels alike can be argued into the late hours. Opportunities: The Brompton is the only bike in the world to combine such ready portability with a first-class ride, and it creates countless new opportunities for using a bicycle. Malcolm Shepherd, Chief Executive of Sustrans said: Cycling England has been a crucial conduit for funding which has touched the lives of millions of people by making it possible for people to cycle for everyday journeys. And Brompton bikes are suitable for the every journey. Here are so many bike company competitor for the Brompton bikes. Alldays Onions, Bickerton- folding bikes. Boardman bikes, british eagle, claud bulter, dawes, etc.. bicycles are here. Like Brompton bickerton is also a folding cycle. It can be a main competitor. The Bickerton was a portable, aluminium folding bicycle designed by Harry Bickerton it had manufactured in the UK between 1971 and 1991. The bicycle was made of aluminium profiles and riding properties were poor, aluminium parts could never be properly locked in place. its weight and folded package size broke and it is cited by Andrew Ritchie as one of his inspirations in creating the highly successful Brompton bicycle. So the Brompton is better than any cycle thats why70% Brompton bike are exporting to asia and Europe. Threats: The UK folding bike Brompton is a curious company. Brompton bicycle exports for around 75 per cent of its output, it continues to manufacture all of its bikes in the UK. Brompton bicycles many parts are custom made so it may bring delays and extra costs for repairing than authorized dealers. The bike is less suited to long rides as most models have restricted gears. Riders requiring a bottom bracket to saddle top height of more than 715mm/28 can select an extended seat post to give a maximum saddle height of 775mm/30.5 - Before doing any business first we have to do pest analysis in that country which is following: PEST ANALYSIS OF BANGLADESH: Political environment Bangladesh is a poor nation in South Asia its gained independence in 1971 against West Pakistan .After independence, Bangladesh has established a largely moderate and democratic majority as a Muslim country. The Bangladesh National Party and the Awami League traditionally have dominated Bangladeshi politics, with the AL in government since January 2009. Bangladesh was ruled by a military-backed caretaker government led by Fakhruddin Ahmed for two years prior to the return to democracy that was ushered in by the December 2008 election. The current Hasina government came to power in free and fair elections with an overwhelming majority in parliament. Economic environment The economy of Bangladesh is a developing country its per capita income in 2008 was est. US$1,500. According to the International Monetary Fund, Bangladeshs rank w3as the 48th largest economy in the world in 2009. The economy has grown at the rate of 6-7% p.a. over the past few years. Most Bangladeshis earn their living from agriculture. Although rice and jute are the primary crops, maize and vegetables are assuming greater importance Social environment Bangladeshi population is largely Muslim. There are many dialects of Bengali spoken throughout the region. The dialect spoken by those in Chittagong and Sylhet are particularly distinctive. In 2009 the population was estimated at 156 million. Religiously, about 90% Bengali people are Muslims and the remainder are mostly Hindus. Technological environment The Bangladesh have Space Research and Remote Sensing Organisation which operates remote sensing facilities in both French and American satellites, and it is applying meteorological and geographic data to such basic problems as soil fertility, water management, forecasting, and agricultural census work. In 1986 it became the first non-American organization and it got a award by the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration. They provided training for Bangladeshi scientists and grants of equipment and technical assistance. Bangladeshi Atomic Energy Commission operates an experimental nuclear reactor and conducts as well important agricultural research on seeds, parasites, storage of harvested crops, and irradiation. PEST ANALYSIS OF INDIA: Political environment After Indias independence on August 15, 1947, India received most of the subcontinents 562 widely scattered polities, or princely states, as well as the majority of the British provinces, and parts of three of the remaining provinces. Muslim Pakistan received the remainder. Pakistan consisted of a western wing, with the approximate boundaries of modern Pakistan, and an eastern wing, with the boundaries of present-day Bangladesh. India is a Sovereign, Secular, Democratic country with a Parliamentary form of Government. The Constitution was adopted by the Assembly on 26th November 1949 and it came into force on 26th November 1950. Economic environment India is eleventh largest economy in the world by nominal GDP and the fourth largest by purchasing power parity. The country began to develop a fast-paced economic growth and free market principles were initiated in 1990 for international competition and foreign investment. Per capita income in india is $1,030, ranked 139th in the world, while its per capita (PPP) of US$2,940 is ranked 128th. Indias large service industry accounts for 55% of the countrys Gross Domestic Product (GDP) while the industrial and agricultural sector contribute 28% and 17% respectively. In 2006 India exported US$21.8 billion worth of merchandise to the United States and Indian imports from the U.S. rose 26.3% to $10.1 billion in 2006, up 146% since 2002. Social environment Current Population of India is around 1,150,000,000 (1.15 billion) people in 2010, of which Hinduism accounted for 80.5%, Islam is (13.5%), Christianity is (3.0%) and Sikhism (2.3%). these are the major religions followed by the people of India. There are 29 language in india. Technological environment The Indian software industry was grown from a mere US $ 150 million in 1991-92 to a staggering US $ 5.7 billion in 1999-2000.The annual growth rate of Indias software exported consistently over 50 percent since 1991. Indias software exports would be around $ 6.3 billion, in addition to $ 2.5 billion in domestic sale. - - PEST ANALYSIS OF NEPAL political environment An isolated, agrarian society until the mid-20th century, Nepal entered the modern era in 1951 without schools, hospitals, roads, telecommunications, electric power, industry, or civil service. The government encouraged import and export to promote good business and encourage growth which will hopefully result in a higher employment rate, higher salaries and a better standard of living for all in time. Economic environment Agriculture is Nepals principal economic activity which employing 80% of the population and providing 37% of GDP. Only about 20% of the total area is cultivable; another 33% is forested; most of the rest is mountainous. The main food crops are rice and wheat. The lowland Terai region produces an agricultural surplus is a part of which supplies the food-deficient hill areas. Export in recent years is approximately 70% of merchandise. Nepals merchandise trade balance has improved somewhat since 2000 with the growth of the carpet and garment industries. Social environment Nepals current population is 28,563,377 of which 80.6 percent are Hindu, 10.7 percent are Buddhist, 4.4% are Muslim, 3.6 percent are Kirat ,0.5 percent are Christian, and 0.4 percent are classified other groups such as Bà ¶n religion. Technological environment Nepal is a late starter in modem science and technology. it developed technological capabilities in some specific areas they are civil engineering, architecture, agriculture, metallurgy, water management, textile and paper manufacture, medicine, dyeing and food technology. PESTEL ANALYSIS IN SRI LANKA POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT Socialistic predilection in Sri Lanka was unswerving, but as time passed by it gave room for investment overseas in 1978. Board of Investment operates as a sovereign legal bureau with investment in foreign countries as a focus. BOI is authorized to yield grants to organizations that meet the basic eligibility standards on minimal investment, employment and exports. When the organization fails to meet the standards then its projects have to be sanctioned by the respective departments of the government. BOI also deals with the 10 zones of free trade, which is known as the export-processing zones. BOI possess the authorization to relieve any confinements on the FDI Eleven huge privatizations were accounted for 34% of the FDI. Nevertheless due to the instable political conditions and conflicting ethnicity the advancement on this issue is been decelerate for years. The president sketched out regarding anti-privatization economical scheme in his electoral pronunciamento known as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾Mahinda Chintanaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸. Various enterprises of the state which designing itself to be privatized were not approved, this includes the airports and banks. Privatize. Organization was planned to be regulated by the government which will turn the loss into a profit-making organization. ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT Sound rates of growth has been steady in Sri Lanka despite if its intense violence on ethnicity. Rich private demand of requirements, core industrialization, primarily the intensive labour textile industry and the advancement of domestic tea manufacturing hiked the growth rate of the economy. The well-disposed FDI policy of the government ensued the zooming inflows of capital. The deceleration in the global issues activated an acute condensation in the activities of the economy in the year 2001. Subsequently there was a recuperation in the sectors of the industries that is impelled by a firm external demand and an increased growth rates in the sectors relating to service resulted in a sizeable enlargement of economical activities though the tsunami that hit the sectors of agriculture was critically damaged. Deficits in the fiscal aspects are an important issue to the government, which has been diminishing in the years past. The current fiscal obligates to cut back deficits. There are many industries that imparts in great value to the GDP that engages greater population of the manpower, this comprises of the industry in tourism, and the service industries. When taking industries into consideration, it is the textile industry that yields greater sum of revenues in export. SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT Sri Lanka holds a populace of 20,238,000, of which Sinhalese constitutes about 74%, Sri Lankan Moors constitutes about 7.2%, Sri Lankan Tamils constitutes about 3.9% and the Indian Tamils constitutes about 4.6%. When religions are taken into consideration the Buddhists comprise a major share of 69.1%. Sri Lanka is prominently a rustic area that holds 79% of the population. The populace medial age is 30 and 7.8% constitute for an age group of 65 and over. The health index of Sri Lanka is fairly good when compared to other countries in Asia. The government has an expenditure of 46.3% from the 4% of the aggregate GDP for medical expenses of the country. The expected life span is 73.4yrs of the aggregate populace. TECHNOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT The telecom sphere was improved to an incredible extent in terms of liberalizing right in the 90à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s. Act of Sri Lankan Telecommunication of 1991 founded the Sri Lanka telecom also known as the SLT, it awarded the permit to function in the global system. - After analyzing the market we have found out that there is huge market opportunity in Sri Lanka to sell folding bikes. Due to low price there are more chances that Brompton folding bikes can become the market leader successfully after some time because of many reasons such as low cost, already operation exist in Sri Lanka and due to climate condition. If we talk about local competition, it is very less. The local players get the help by the government also where the government has distributed a project to provide good cycle facility supply to those households. Im a manager of this product and i want to make profit thats why Im going to launch this product in south asia. I will launch this product in sri lanka and will export in 3 other countries, they are Bangladesh, india and Nepal. It will be better to launch this product in south asia because there labour cost will be low and we can sell this cycles in low cost. Brompton bicycles cost in uk is  £600 and over. Here, labour cost is expensive than south asia so we cant export from here. In south asia there is a scope for this product. There is a great number of people who are using bicycle but they arent like Brompton they cant fold, they are difficult for their journey. so it will be a new kind of cycle in south asia. I can make a profit. It will be cheaper so most of the people will buy it. I can make a market over there. Here are different types to entering new market they are: Export Joint venture FDI Strategic alliances Among these methods im going to use joint venture method because it will be better for my profit if i will export from here it will cost expensive. First i will go sri lanka and will talk in srilankan embassy, i will choose one cycle company as my partner over there and i will do good business over there and will make profit. 4PS ABOUT THE PRODUCT: Product: my product is folding bicycle. Price: labour cost will be low so per cycle it will cost  £90. Place: i will open my company in Colombo kingdom of sri lanka because there i can gget more facility than other place. Promotion: The literacy rate is 92% in Sri Lanka which is considered as a good rate. To sell the Brompton folding bikes every company more emphasizes on direct marketing such as event or trade show and personal selling. We will give this news first all over in sri lanka later 3 other countries by tv news and international news paper. MARKETING PLAN: Our product have made plan for Brompton folding bicycle for next five yrs. To increase our sale and profit we will spend half of our advertisement budget on personal selling because by this only we can aware consumers about our products and persuade consumers to buy the products. PRODUCTION CAPACITY: During the first year, product will be imported to Sri Lanka And later the demand of the product goes 3 other countries to have a manufacturing Unit can also be considered. This will result in better pricing of the product will result in more sales and Profits. BUDGET: Selling expenses: Staff salaries, Sales support and distribution staff expenses are included. The total expenditure is  £ 1210000.00 Sales and advertisement: For radio advertisement = £5000 Newspaper/magazine = £6000 Tv ad = £25000 Sales promotion = £250000 including customer awareness program Customer oriented = £200000 Trade oriented = £750000 Support line = £600000

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay examples --

What drives success? Where does it come from? Can you be born into it? These are some common questions when it comes to success. Every one can has their own opinion about what success is, and also what it takes to become successful people in today’s world. That is where Malcolm Gladwell comes into play. After reading â€Å"Outliers: The Story of Success†, Gladwell has helped me view the journey to success in ways I have and haven’t heard of before. He helps you understand some complex ideas of why someone may be more successful that someone else. To me success is determined by a lot of things and there is no one thing that can make your success, you have to have multiple things that are not found in one place. There are many things that come to your mind think of when it comes to success, age would be one of the many determining factors. In the book, Gladwell used hockey as an example. Hockey is a sport dominated by Canadians. In Canada, there is a hockey deadline where if a kid is not 10 by January 1st, he has to wait until next year to begin playing. This gives a kid with a birthday before the deadline an advantage over his opponents who could only be a few months’ young than him, because he had a year more of experience. Americans’ understand this in a different way. In the United States school system you have to be 6 before a certain time of the year before you can enter kindergarten. This could be different because those who enter earlier could graduate at a younger age, those who have to wait could be more prepared for school. It depends how you look at each situation, because they all can be different. If you have every played a sport, instrument, or simply attended school then you have heard the quote â€Å"Practice makes perfect.... ...l believes that’s why we are behind educationally. I believe this is a true statement, our kids in united stated should spend more time learning than playing video games, texting, and on social media which seems to be the most popular thing these days. Success can be defined by a lot of different things, whether you are tall or short, rich or poor, your definition may be different than one of your peers. I believe there is not a â€Å"right† answer to the questions â€Å"what is success?† or â€Å"how you do you become successful?† This book really gave me a few more ways of thinking about how success comes along. Some of the things Malcolm Gladwell comes up with are extreme but there is no right or wrong answer. To me success is determined by a lot of things and there is no one thing that can make you successful, you have to have multiple things that are not found in one place.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Sociological Theory Essay -- Sociology Papers

Sociological Theory To be able to evaluate Functionalism, Marxism and Interactionism we must first look at the strengths and weaknesses in each. There are many variations and interpretations of each of these theories, therefore for the sake of simplicity only the key ideals will be discussed. Functionalism looks at society as an organized structure of inter-related institutions; and the various ways these institutions interact together within a social structure. Examples of these 'institutions' are the family, work, education and religion. The Functionalist perspective is best understood using an organismic analogy: 'Societies are comparable to living organisms (for example, a human being). Each part of the human body is linked, in some way, to all other parts. Individual organs combine to create something that is greater than the sum total of their individual parts.' In social terms, these 'organs' equate to the aforementioned institutions. Each of these institutions has its' separate role, and in order for society to to function effectively, these institutions must work in harmony with each other. It is also said that all parts of society have a purpose and also certain needs. The 'purpose' of the work institution, for example, is to create wealth and in order to achieve this it 'needs' people with a certain level of education. This example demonstrates the harmony required between two institutions in order to achieve a goal. Without education, the work institution would collapse due to lack of skilled workers, therefore having a diverse effect on society and all the institutions within that society. This view recognise... ...n those classes. Economic rule, however does still play a prominent part in certain societies today, and will continue to do so for years to come. Interactionism looks at the individual and there influence and understanding of other social groups. This approach has allowed us to understand small social groups, which in turn allows us to gradually understand social groups in certain areas. However, none of the above theories will ever give us a true insight into how all societies work together. By taking parts of each and combining them to make a new theory is the only way that we may truly understand the social structure of the world around us. Bibliography ============ Sociology In Focus - Paul Taylor et al- Ormskirk - 1995

College Athletes Should Not Be Paid Essay -- It’s Not Time to Pay Stud

Waking up before the sunrise is a daily routine. Early morning film sessions, class, then practice, which dominates the day. There are few moments in between for food and socializing, but the life of a student athlete is anything but ordinary. Sleep, eat, practice and school are all an athlete knows, and with the pressures of campus life it becomes even more difficult. No time for much of anything, let alone getting a job. Like most students, these athletes need money, but do not have a spare moment to work. Without any source of income, athletes are put at a major disadvantage. Their full-time job is athletics, in addition to rigorous college-level courses. The possibility of becoming a professional athlete and making millions becomes very appealing. This course of action leads to student athletes making money illegally, dropping out of school, or leaving school early without a degree in an often futile attempt to play at the professional level. Waking up before the sun is a daily routine. Early morning film sessions, class then practice, which dominates the day. There are a few moments in between for food and socializing, but the life of an athlete is anything but ordinary. Sleep, eat, practice and school are all an athlete knows, and with the pressures of campus life it becomes even more difficult. No time for much of anything, let alone getting a job. However, now that student athletes are compensated, they no longer need to worry about money. They can fully focus on school and sport. They can achieve success in both areas without worrying about money. Graduation rates are higher, academic grades are higher. Later in life, players more successful in their respective professional fields because of the ma... ...ommentary: Should NCAA should get rid of Amateurism for its Athletics.† Morning Edition (NPR). 07 May 2013. Points of View. Ebscohost. 05 Jan. 2015. Greenlee, Craig T. â€Å"College Athletes deserve some equity.† Black Issues in Higher Education. 27 Apr 2014. 62 (1). Elibrary. 05 Jan. 2015. Jackson, Derrick. â€Å"Op-ed: It’s Time to Pay Student Athlete.† Interview with Lynn Nery. NPR Talk ok the Nation. 06 June 2013. Elibrary. 05 Jan. 2015. King, Bill. â€Å"The Junkyard Blawg: Play for Pay?† The Atlanta Journal and Constitution. 03 May 2012. Elibrary. 05 Jan. 2015. Maisel, Ivan. â€Å"Don’t expect athletes to be paid anytime soon.† Sporting News 10 Oct. 2014. 52 (1). Elibrary. 05 Jan. 2015.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

‘I Spy’ by Graham Greene

What Is The Significance Of The Title?The title (‘I Spy'), is significant because it shows the similarities between Charlie Stowe and his father. Also because without it we would never come to assume that Charlie Stowe's father is in fact a spy, who is being arrested for spying for the Germans or the ‘Huns' as his wife calls them. This creates the effect of dramatic irony as Charlie, who has observed exactly what we see, does not relise why his father has been taken away by two strangers in ‘belted mackintoshes'.How Does Greene Establish The Similarity between Charlie Stowe And His Father?Greene establishes a similarity between Charlie and his father by making them say nearly the same kind of things. For example, Charlie thinks that he â€Å"†¦ might as well have his smoke.† then later on, his father says â€Å"†¦ may as well have my smokes†. These are quite the same, thus establishing a similarity between the two characters. Also, they both use proverbs a lot of the time. For Example Charlie says â€Å"May as well be hung for a sheep†, which is, of course, a well known proverb. His father, later on, says â€Å"Never do today what you can do tomorrow†, again, this is another proverb. A further example to establish a similarity is that they both do the same action when they are nervous. For instance, they both grip their collar when they are worried. We know this because Charlie â€Å"clenched his fingers on the collar of his night shirt† and then his father â€Å"stood, one hand held high stiff collar. Greene further establishes the similarity between father and son by making them â€Å"both do things in the dark that frighten them†.Also Greene specifically outlines the point that the pair are similar when he writes â€Å"†¦his father was very much like himself†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Also both of them are terrified of being caught/are being caught. To further their similarity, they both don't wish to wake their mother/wife, as Greene writes â€Å"†¦he moved with caution and tiptoed†¦Ã¢â‚¬  ,(about Charlie), and then â€Å"I don't want  to wake the family† ,(about Charlie's father). They are similar, not just by the reasons above, by that they are both spying and doing something illegal. Charlie is spying on his father and stealing some cigarettes, while his father is being arrested for spying on the Germans, which is, of course, illegal. Greene establishes the similarity in many ways, including the ones outlined above, in order to provoke emotion and regret.The Story Is Almost Entirely From Charlie's Point Of View. How Does Greene Achieve This?Greene achieves this in a multitude of ways that are outlined below:-He writes about Charlie's feelings. â€Å"Charlie Stowe was frightened† is just one example of this. He also writes as if we are seeing every thing from his point of view. (literally and psychologically). Greene pens Charlie's experienc e. For example, we do not know from the start of the story that his father was spying on the Germans, it is only near the end we start to relise that his father was doing such devious acts of criminality. The story begins with Charlie alone getting out of bed and then ends when Charlie falls asleep. It is like we are looking over his shoulder all the time. Also, we don't know anything about Charlie, so a lot of the description is left to our imagination, so it is as if we have been plunged into the tale with know prior knowledge of Charlie and his capers.All of this gives off a sense of dramatic irony because, although we still see what Charlie sees, we can deduce things that Charlie cannot because of his limited mental ability as a twelve year old.What Atmosphere Is Created In The Story And How?There are many atmospheres created by Greene. So many in fact that I will only list some of them. These are :-An air of mystery. This is created through description, or rather lack of it! Th is is because we know next to nothing about Charlie Stowe, and even less  about his father! Also there is a rather menacing feel about the story. This is because of the use of â€Å"lurking† as in ‘†¦the ‘Huns' who, the monsters lurking in the Zeppelins in the clouds† There is also an atmosphere regarding indifference, when it comes to stealing the cigarettes. This is because Charlie doesn't even bat an eyelid when he takes some of his father's merchandise. Finally, there is a general sense of regret at the end of the story as Charlie realises that â€Å"It would have please him to go down to his father and tell him that he loved him†, but it was all too late for him as â€Å"he could hear through the window, the quick steps going away†.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Capital City Bank Case Analysis Essay

Capital City Bank (CCB) was a medium sized commercial bank owned by a small group of shareholders. Its total employee force numbered nearly 1,000 personnel. Because of the company’s poor performance in recent years, the owners decided to sell their equity to a group of new investors who felt that CCB could be turned around with more aggressive management. The transfer of ownership of the bank was followed by basic changes in bank strategy as well as changes in many key personnel, many of them at the top level. The basic changes implemented by the new management of CCB included a more active pursuit of foreign financing activities as well as a heightened emphasis on lending activities to large corporate accounts. To better implement these changes in basic strategy, CCB was reorganized. NEW ORGANIZATION The reorganization of the bank involved the creation of two new divisions, namely, the Corporate Banking Division and the Trust Division (See Exhibit A). The Corporate Banking Division was given the responsibility of marketing the different loans of the company to large domestic corporations, multinational corporations, as well as to the medium sized companies which had been the traditional clients of the bank. A wide range of credit lines were offered to these accounts such as Direct Advance Line, Import Letters of Credit, Export Bill Purchases Line, Export Packing Credit Line, Domestic Bills Purchase Line, and others. Mr. Vicente Torres, a new recruit from a similar department in another bank in Metro Manila, headed this new division. The Trust Division was charged with undertaking trust services for individual and business clients. A major service assigned to this division was the Common Trust Fund. This involved the pooling of funds drawn from various participants, investing this fund in safe and high yielding investments, and  sharing the returns from the investments among the participants in proportion to the amounts contributed by each. The Trust Division was however to perform only the investment function. The marketing of this service to corporate and individual accounts was entrusted to the Branch Division. The latter also marketed the services of ten branches of the bank located around Metro Manila. THE DEPOSIT DRIVE As a corollary to aggressive selling the various lending and trust services of the CCB, bank management also decided to undertake an effort to increase savings and other deposits in the bank. A deposit drive was launched involving all the employees of the company. A set of rules was drawn up such that all departments and sections of the bank, regardless of whether they performed marketing functions or not, were given points for new deposits brought in to the bank. The drive was to last for six months and the winners would be awarded attractive prizes and bonuses. THE ORIENTAL ACCOUNT Towards the end of the year, one of the account officers of the Banking Division approached Oriental Company with an offer for working capital loan. Because Oriental had been banking with CCB for nearly a year, the account officer offered a P10 million working capital loan to Oriental at 18% rate of interest – at the time considered a â€Å"good† rate for favored accounts. Oriental considered to take advantage of the favorable interest rate offered and availed of the loan. Shortly thereafter, the Branch Marketing group decided to solicit the same account for the Common Trust Fund of the Trust Division. To attract Oriental to participate in the fund, they offered Oriental a 19% return for a P10 million 60-day placement with the Trust Division. The Finance Manager of Oriental was surprised at the disparity between the bank’s lending and deposit rates but decided to take advantage of the Branch Marketing Group’s offer by making the P10 million placement with the Trust Division. It was not until later in the year that Vicente Torres discovered the odd situation with Oriental. He called the manager of the Branch Marketing Group and asked â€Å"How could you allow your traders to offer a higher rate than our lending rate to Oriental? We not only lose money but we also look very foolish to our clients!† The Branch Marketing Group Manager replied that neither she nor her traders knew that the Banking Division had lent to Oriental at 18%. QUESTIONS: What were the causes of the â€Å"odd† situation in the case? THE NUMBER ONE CAUSE FOR THE â€Å"ODD† SITUATION IN THIS CASE IS THAT BRANCH MARKETING GROUP SOLICITED A CORPORATE ACCOUNT FOR A RETAIL ACCOUNT. IF THEY HAD WANTED TO OFFER THE PRODUCT COMMON TRUST FUND TO THE CLIENT, IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN COURSED THROUGH THE BANKING DIVISION WHO MAINLY TAKES CARE AND HANDLES CORPORATE CLIENTS. THE ERROR OCCURRED WHEN RETAIL BANKING SOLICITED A CORPORATE CLIENT. THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN REFERRED TO THE ACCOUNT OFFICER HANDLING THIS PARTICULAR CORPORATE CLIENT. What should CCB management do to avoid similar problems in the future? THERE SHOULD BE DELINEATION OF DEPARTMENTS AND THEIR SCOPE. RETAIL BANKING DIVISION WHICH IS PRIMARILY THE BRANCH, SHOULD NOT SOLICIT ACCOUNTS BEING HANDLED BY THE CORPORATE DIVISION (BANKING DIVISION). RETAIL BANKING DIVISION SHOULD CONCENTRATE PRIMARILY ON RETAIL CLIENTS EVEN IF A CORPORATE CLIENT HAS AN ACCOUNT IN THE BRANCH. CORPORATE CLIENTS ARE HANDLED BY ACCOUNT OFFICERS. A CIRCULAR/MEMO SHOULD BE ISSUED STRESSING THE HANDLING OF CORPORATE AND RETAIL CLIENTS. NEW ORGANIZATION OF CAPITAL CITY BANK

Sunday, September 15, 2019

I Didn’t Know That Growing Up Milk Need to Have Sugars

First of all, we need to understand that children of growing up age needs some source of energy to help them grow. Main sources of energy are carbohydrates and fats. Carbohydrates are important, because it is the main source of energy which is needed for good growth and development of the body and the brain, especially for growing up children. Sugars are a type of carbohydrates. Milk which is a natural product in itself also contains sugars known as lactose. It is this sugar (lactose) in milk which helps your child to grow. Therefore, all Growing Up Milk will contain some form of sugars. . Tell me about the sugars in Dutch Lady's Growing Up Milk. First of all, at Dutch Lady Malaysia we have developed a well balanced formula which is optimal for growing up children in Malaysia. All Dutch Lady's Growing Up Milk products are fully in compliance with Malaysia's draft standard of Formulated Milk Powder for Children, Malaysia's Recommended Nutrient Intake (RNI) 2005 and World Health Organi sation (WHO) 2003 recommendation. Should we say this here or at the end of Question 3? There are two types of sugars most commonly found in Growing Up Milk powder. First, the naturally occuring sugars in milk which are called lactose. Second, there are added sugars which are natural plant sugars. Dutch Lady's Growing Up Milk has a combination of lactose and added plant sugars. This is because, at Dutch Lady Malaysia we always strive to develop Growing Up Milk products which can help bridge the nutritional gap of the children. By providing an optimally and nutritionally balanced Growing Up Milk coupled with a healthy daily meal, it will help your child to achieve a nutritionally balanced diet which is important for his/her growth. . So, why does Dutch Lady need to have ‘added sugar' in their Growing Up Milk powder ? Dutch Lady's growing up milk is nutritionally designed using a combination of naturally occurring sugars in milk i. e. lactose and also added natural plant sugars in order to maintain the natural ratio of lactose in milk. Based on years of research, we found that it is important that our Growing Up Milk is optimally formulated. Our research reveals that products which are not optimally formulated, for example those with high lactose are not well tolerated by Malaysian children. Some children who consume high lactose milk may develop the following complications such as diarrhea, bloating (due to too much gas) as a result of the inability of their body to metabolise the excess lactose. 4. I am concerned about my child's sugar intake from his Growing Up Milk powder. How does the sugar content in Dutch Lady's Growing Up Milk compare with the other brands who claims ‘no added sugar'? Dutch Lady's Growing Up Milk has approximately 15% to 32% less total sugars (per 100g milk powder) versus brands who claims ‘no added sugar'. In fact, the sugar levels in Dutch Lady's Growing Up Milk is well within the recommended Malaysian Recommended Nutrient Intake (RNI) 2005 level as well as within the World Health Organisation (WHO) 2003 recommendation. Lactose and ‘added sugar' which is the natural form of plant sugar, are all sugars. Total sugar of Dutch Lady's Growing Up Milk product is approximately 15% to 32% less (per 100gm of milk powder) than brands who claim they have ‘no added sugar'. 5. I read some brands that ‘have no added sugar' implied that other brands like Dutch Lady have a lot of ‘added sugar' in their Growing Up Milk and this is unhealthy for my child. Is this true? Growing Up Milk brands that claim ‘no added sugar' only talk about ‘added sugar' (which we explained are plant sugars). However, they do not talk about the overall total sugar content in their milk. Parents should look at the total sugar content in their child's Growing Up Milk. Total sugar includes both the naturally occurring sugar in milk which is lactose and the added natural plant sugars. Even though Dutch Lady's Growing Up Milk products has added natural plant sugars in our Growing Up Milk, our Growing Up Milk powder has a much lower total sugar content compared to brands who claim that they have ‘no added sugar’. 6. Is my child getting too much sugar from DL growing up milk? Rest assured that your child is not getting too much sugar from our Dutch Lady's Growing Up Milk as all our Growing Up Milk products are made in full compliance with Malaysia’s draft standard of Formulated Milk Powder for Children, Malaysia RNI 2005 and World Health Organisation (WHO) 2003 recommendations. 7. In terms of sugar intake, what should I really be concerned about? We understand that parents are worried about the effect of excessive sugar consumption in your child's diet which could lead to tooth decay, childhood obesity as well as diabetes. If you are worried about this, apart from ensuring that your child minimise the intake of high in sugar food or snacks such as that occasional bar of chocolate, you will also will need to look at total sugar level in your child's Growing Up Milk and not the added sugar level. There is no difference in terms of calorific value between lactose and other added natural sugars. . I came across a website in Malaysia where it provides a model to calculate sugar by looking at Carbohydrate content of Growing Up Milk's nutritional information. When I key in Dutch Lady's Growing Up Milk's carbohydrate content, your product would have 7-10 teaspoons of added sugar. Please explain. We are not at liberty to explain how the website makes its calculation. We believe that possibly the calculation method is factually misleading. In terms of total sugar content, Dutch Lady’s Growing Up Milk has approximately 15% to 32% less total sugars (per 100g milk powder) versus brands who claims ‘no added sugar'. . Is Dutch Lady planning to reduce its added sugar in its Growing Up Milk products? We firmly believe that the added natural plant sugars in our Growing Up Milk is necessary to ensure optimally balanced formulation so that it provides adequate carbohydrate (energy source) for a growing child. The level of the total sugars in our Growing Up Milk are not excessive. It is well within the recommended Malaysia Recommended Nutritional Intake (RNI) 2005 and World Health Organisation (WHO) 2003 recommendations.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Cost Volume Profit Essay

Some things we know: The objective of every business is to make money (profit) for the owners Profit = Revenues – Expenses Revenues = Sales = Quantity sold x price per unit Expenses = the costs related to: the specific revenue (COGS) or the specific accounting period Matching Principle Role of Management is: Planning, control and performance measurement, and decision-making Decision-making relates to future events and involves risk Full costing (full-absorption costing) is a good historical tool but may not Be the best indicator of future activity because it is based on past events. Cost Behavior Variable Costs – total dollars change with volume, Cost per unit is constant Fixed Costs – total dollars are constant, cost per unit changes with volume Mixed Costs – include some variable costs and some fixed costs Total Cost = Fixed Costs + Volume(variable cost per unit) Fixed Component Variable Component Purely Fixed $25,000$ 0 Purely Variable 0 5.00 per unit Mixed Costs 10,000 2.00 per unit Total Costs $35,000$7.00 per unit Graphing Total Costs X axis (horizontal/across) = volume Y axis (vertical/up & down) = dollars Estimating the Composition of Mixed Costs Account Analysis Scattergraph – Visual inspection of plotted points High-Low Estimation Theory: The change in total costs between the high volume point and The low volume point, must be purely variable costs Linear Regression (computer assisted scattergraph) Contribution Margin Income Statement Ignores the function of the expenses Focus is on cost behavior (fixed and variable) Used extensively in forecasting future potential outcomes (planning & decision making) Because Profit = Revenue – Expenses(Costs) Where: Revenue = Volume x price per unit AndTotal Costs = Fixed Cost + (Volume x Variable cost per unit) Therefore: Volume x price per unit Less Volume x variable cost per unit Less Fixed costs Profit Revenue Less Variable Costs CONTRIBUTION MARGIN Less Fixed Costs Pretax Profit KNOW THIS FORMULA FRONTWARDS AND BACKWARDS Margin of Safety = the difference between the expected level of volume and the break-even point (normally using sales dollars but could also use units sold). When comparing two or more alternatives it may be helpful to look at the Margin of Safety as a percentage of sales. Contribution Margin Ratio = CM per unit / Selling Price per unit OrContribution Margin / Sales Operating Leverage = Fixed Costs / Contribution Margin Or Contribution Margin/Pretax Profit Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) Analysis Break-Even Point = the point at which profit = zero (i.e. we break even) = The point at which Contribution Margin = Fixed Costs Once we know the break-even point, we can begin to plan for target profit Target Pre Tax Profit versus Target After Tax Profit Pretax Profit$100 Less Tax Expense 40 After Tax or Net Profit$ 60 Effective Tax Rate = Tax Expense / Pretax Profit(40% above) Tax Expense = Pretax Profit x Effective Tax Rate Net Income = Pretax Profit x (1- effective tax rate) Pretax Profit = Net Profit / (1- effective tax rate) Multiple Product CVP Analysis Weighted-Average Contribution Margin (also referred to as blended average) PRODUCT MIX IS CRITICAL Product 1Product 2Total Units Sold10020 Selling Price$10.00$50.00 Variable Costs 5.00$30.00 Sales$1,000$1,000$2,000 Contribution Margin 500$ 400 900 CM Ratio 50% 40% 45% SO LONG AS THE PRODUCT MIX REMAINS AT 5:1 THE PROJECTED CM RATIO WILL STAY AT 45%. Therefore if sales are expected to be $20,000, AND WE SELL 5 of Product 1 for every 1 unit of Product 2, Contribution Margin should be $9,000 ($20,000 x 45%) However if sales of Product 1 are only $1,000 and the remaining $19,000 are sales of Product 2 the Contribution margin is only $8,100 and the CM Ratio drops to 40.5%. $ 1,000 x 50% = $ 500 plus$19,000 x 40% = $7,600 $20,000 $8,100 = 40.5% of sales or (1/20 x .50) + (19/20 x .40) .025 + .38 = 40.5% When computing the Weighted-Average Contribution Margin USE SALES DOLLARS as the weighing factor (NOT UNITS). Constraint = a limitation of resources To maximize profits given a limited resource, produce the product that generates the highest contribution margin per limited resource. This may not be the product with the highest contribution margin ratio. Illustration: A company manufactured two types of beer, premium and regular. Both types of beer are brewed in the same kettles. A regular batch brews for 15 days and yields 12,000 bottles. A premium batch brews for 30 days and yields 12,000 bottles. Regular beer sells for $1.00 per bottle and has variable costs of $0.40 per bottle. The premium sell for $1.50 per bottle and has variable costs of $0.50 per bottle. Assuming unlimited demand of both products, which product should the company brew? PremiumRegular Per Batch: Sales$15,000$12,000 CM$12,000$ 7,200 CM % 66.67% 60.00% CM per Limited Resource (Days) CM$12,000$ 7,200 Divided by days 30 15 CM per day of limited Resource use $400 $480 Regular beer has a higher CM per limited resource. Therefore, given unlimited demand of both types, produce only regular. Proof: In 30 days we can make one batch of premium, which will yield $12,000 in CM. In the same 30 days we can make 2 batches of regular, which will yield $14,400 in CM. We are in business to make money for the owners, not percentages. You can’t deposit percentages in the bank!

Friday, September 13, 2019

Voting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Voting - Assignment Example Michigan as a state has 16 electoral votes, which are highly influential during the process of electing the next president. As a rule, the 16 electoral votes from Michigan will go to the presidential candidate who has won the majority rule. Majority rule at times is usually overlooked when electoral votes are considered. When analyzing the 1876 election, electoral votes proved to be powerful than the majority rule. Nebraska as a state has 5 electoral votes; the majority rule will determine the presidential winner (McCaffrey, 2004). In 1876, the presidential election in the United States was tightly contested, and it resulted in a lot of controversy. The presidential race was between Rutherford B. Hayes and Samuel J. Tilden. Hayes was a republican candidate from Ohio, while Tilden was a democratic from New York. Although, Hayes was pronounced as the president, a lot of questions were raised. The results showed that, Tilden had a popular vote of 4.2 million, against Hayes’s 4.0 million. However, regarding electoral votes, Hayes had 185 electoral votes, a difference of 1 from Tilden who had 184 electoral votes (McCaffrey, 2004). The 1968 presidential election, tightly contested by top candidates Richard Nixon a republican, Hubert H. Humphrey a democrat, and George Wallace from the American Independent party, ultimately resulted in Nixon winning. The popular vote results were Nixon’s approximately 31,700,000 votes, Humphrey’s approximately 31,200,000 votes and Wallace’s approximately 9,900,000 votes. The electoral vote results were Nixon 301, Humphrey 191 and Wallace 46. The election was a plurality because the presidential winner, Nixon, only attained 43.4%, which was less than the required majority vote of more than 51%. The other candidates, Humphrey, and Wallace had 42.7% and 13.5% respectively (McCaffrey, 2004). The 1824 presidential election, contested